The First Act
The film began with a setting in New York City wherein, David Shayne (John Cusack) was arguing with Julian Marx (Jack Warden), a film producer, about the budget of the paly that David wanted to create. David is an idealistic young playwright, who's willing to deal with any offers as long as it is for his success. He's willing to compromise for the love of his art. Since budget is the reason why they can't continue to make the play, Julian finally found funds from Nick Valenti (Joe Viterelli), a gangster. The catch is to make Nick's girlfriend Olive Neal (Jeniffer Tilly) one of the stars in the project they're going to produce. Olive's role is a psychiatrist, a woman with shrill voice and definitely untalented. She is not even pass for a psychiatrist as well as being a dreadful actress. Basically, she's just a woman that will aggravate you everytime she started speaking. What more when she stated throwing lines with her co-stars? Together with Olive is her bodyguard, Cheech, played by Chazz Palmiteri who's always following her in ever thing she do. Cheech will soon reveal his role in this film later on. He's not just Olive's bodyguard, he got more to say in the project David is directing.
Meanwhile, a fading star who has an alcohol problem and describe herself as "some vain Broadway legend", Helen Sinclair played by Dianne Wiest who's target is to seduce David. David has a longtime girlfriend Ellen (Mary-Louise Parker) who supports him all the way. The leading man in the project was played by Warner Purcell (Jim Broadbent) who has eating disorder problem. As they started setting up for the rehearsals they will encounter different challenges.
The setting of this film focused on the theater wherein they rehearse the play.
The Second Act
Since the project they are making is by the help of Nick with a deal to make his girlfriend, Olive as one of the star. They encounter challenges that makes their project worse. Most of the artists didn't know how to portray the roles tat are given to them. Plus Olive with a poor acting skills, it makes David irritated a lot but he doesn't have any choice because it will not be produced unless Olive is part of the play. What makes the movie intense is when Cheech interrupts one of their rehearsals and voice his opinion about the story of the play. David, at first is not in favor on Cheech's opinion. Every rehearsals gets even worse. Later on he realized that he should agree with Cheech's suggestions because this can help them solve the problem.

One night after the rehearsal, Olive got a chance to talk to Warner. They soon discovered that they are sexually attracted to each other. As what the gangster, Nick asked to Cheech that he must always look and follow Olive, Cheech began suspecting that Olive and Warner are having an affair. Until one time in Olive's dressing room they were about start teasing each other sexually, Nick and his bodyguards knock and the door. Warner immediately hide on the closet so Nick didn't caught them.
Helen Sinclair and David Shayne soon realized that they have feelings to each other. Helen always talk to David while drinking, and everytime David is about to say something about what he feels, Helen will always interrupt him and says "Do not speak." This part of the movie makes every viewers laugh because Helen did it for how many times. Ellen. his girlfriend started to question him if he's having an affair with Helen because most of the people see them together everytime. David instantly denied it.
The Third Act
When they were about to have the performance many incidents happened. Olive, who's known for her shrill voice were killed by Cheech. He was soon called by Nick to investigate what and how did it happened. But most of Nick's bodyguard is pointing out that Cheech is the suspect. He later on arrived at the theater, and he was following by Nick and his bodyguards to shoot him. David see what is happening and followed Cheech but the bodyguards pushed him away and that's the time Cheech was shot. David talked to him while he's nearly dying. Cheech told him the best ending for the play.
The play finished successfully but there's one thing that lacks on David's life. It's Ellen, he tried to win back Ellen and asked her to marry him, and she said yes.