February 14, 2016

Tis the season to spread the love!

It's the most sweetest time of the year! ♥ I bet everyone became busy before this day comes. Girls and especially boys became active planning for their surprises to their loved ones. Creating love letters, buying chocolates, decorating some cute stuff, spreading petals at the floor with matching candles and balloons and of course bouquet of flowers and giant teddy bear every girl wants!! (Yeah. I want that too but I'm more into letters than bears. I think?) Okay, those things I mentioned are cute. That's the typical celebration of Valentines day among the youth today.  When I was a little younger I used to see Valentines as a day for extravagant surprises and "buwis-buhay" efforts. For now, I'm more into formal dates in a hotel or restaurant or just an out of town. I also feel loved and special with just a simple rose and a love letter. I used to be a fan of bouquet of flowers, everytime i see them I'm like "Uhh. That is so sweet!"But now, one rose is enough for me. Hahahaha! ☺ As long as I'm with the most special persons in my life in a serene and peaceful place, I am completely happy.

Today is February 14, we all have different ways to celebrate this day. We all have different beliefs and perspectives on how are we going to make this day extra special with our loved ones. Let's just spread the love sweeties! Happy Heart's Day everyone! Hope you had a great time with your family, friends and special someone!


(Photo not mine)
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