December 21, 2015

I just want to become a superhero

I always wanted to become an international model when i was a kid. I remember during exam days my teacher will ask our class especially the girls if who's interested to have a fashion show in our classroom, i always volunteer to be one of the models. I'm shy. SUPER! But when it comes to that kind of stuff i don't know why i'm such a bibbo kid hahahaha. ☺

Time flies so fast when i realized that i want to be a flight attendant. Maybe because people always told me to be an FA that's why my mind was molded to choose this profession. But later on i decided to be a chef because i love experimenting foods. Well actually not love, i just like it or i'm just kinda interested to this craft. Unfortunately cooking doesn't like me. I tried to cook mac and cheese once then i let my family taste it. They really find it bad. I used ready to cook sauce for that mac and cheese but it doesn't taste good.. FOR THEM. Cause for me, it taste just like mac and cheese. Hahahaha!!

During the middle of summer vacation getting ready for my first year in college i already completed my mind. I already got a chance to think of what i wanted to be in the future and that's film director. I love writing stories. I love creating scenes in every people or situation i am encountering. I love making up stories every night before i go to sleep. I love making "what ifs" everytime i am talking to someone. I love dreaming of a perfect movie with me as an actor, director, and script writer. Wow that's hard hahaha. I'm an auteur now. Well that's my basis for choosing this field.

Now that i am in third year college i just want to become a superhero. I know it's weird. I was suppose to dream as a superhero when i was a kid but i didn't. It turned out now that i'm in this stage of knowing all the possibilities and outcomes in life. I dont know. Maybe because being a superhero is less stressful. You just have to save people. Unlike being a model, flight attendant, chef, director and many more, they are kind of complicated. I think being a superhero is everyones dream once upon a time. It just didn't work out.

When your world is too heavy to carry, you just somehow can't decide on your own. It happens to everyone. When you don't even know what you want in your life. When you have no idea which path should you choose. When you feel like there's nothing to be excited about in your future. Well for me being a superhero is exciting and fun. And that's what i want for now.


(photo not mine)
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