December 2, 2015


Installation, Victoria Lucas and Richard William Wheater

It's all about you. 
It's all about your eyes, cheeks, nose, lips.
It's all about your hair.
It's all about your arms, legs, boobs, butt. 
You hate them? Then you really are a stupid human being.
It's not about being famous, beautiful and sexy,
it's being true to yourself.
You know what's real? 
Look at the mirror for more than a minute...

You are beautiful.
You don't need pretty face nor an hour-glass body shape to be loved.
You are loved.
But first let yourself to be loved by you. 
It's all up to you.
Because if you do love yourself everything will follow. 
Do not hesitate to call yourself beautiful. You really are.
Beauty is the reality of loving who you really are.

So hey!
Stop saying "I hate my nose!" "I look so fat" 
"I want those lips" "How do i get white skin?" 
Start living in a way that loving yourself can make you feel beautiful.


(photo not mine)

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